Consent is verbal, enthusiastic, sober, unequivocal, never coerced, and not assumed. Consent isn’t something that carries over from one act to the next — it’s an ongoing conversation, an open line of communication about what you like and what you want to do right this second. Consent can be boring or awkward or not really sexy, but consent is mandatory. To our understanding and firm belief consent is a binding force between two individuals that entails respect and mutual understanding. in order for this to be effective and to work within our social surroundings we must act upon the golden rule; do unto others as you would like to done onto to you. in retrospect to situations regarding the lack of consent between the both sexes communication on all parts is needed in order to support the victim within the situation and also to effectively educate the peers and individuals surrounding it. in regards to consent communication is power and it should never be taken for granted. ‘YES’ means ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ means ‘NO’! If anyone has ever been in a situation where you have been touched without consent, if you feel any sort of shame, we want to take the shame away from you. Listed below are a few resources if anyone needs someone to talk to… Do not be ashamed! It is okay
Community Resources/On-Campus Resources
- St Mary’s Hospital – Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Treatment Centre
- Sexual Assault Support Centre (SASC):SASC 24-Hour Support Line: 519 741-8633
- Although please note, that unlike the community resources, on-campus services are not specifically designed to deal with sexual assault.
- Health Services
- Counselling Services
- The Centre for Women and Trans People*:The CWT can offer referrals, community resources, and a safer space to disclose, talk, or just hang out
- Visit the LSPRING Website: http://www.lspirg.org/consent
- NOT MY LAURIER: on-campus club/campaign that deals with A student-run campaign dedicated to combatting gendered violence within the WLU community.