How do I get started?
Review all the varying positions here and then complete the below application! Once you’ve submitted your application, it is reviewed by the Station Manager, Jack, who will then distribute to the manager corresponding with your desired position. You will then be contacted by the position liaison, who will set up a formal meeting to discuss the position and the structure of Radio Laurier and WLUSP (Laurier Student Publications). They will further orient you with the specifics of our volunteer requirements, schedule a training session and provide you with any forms necessary for both the position and overall WLUSP administrative requirements.
If following the meeting you believe you’re better suited volunteering within a different sect of Radio Laurier, they will provide you with the resources and contact information.
Do I need experience? What skills do I need?
No experience is needed. Laurier’s Waterloo campus doesn’t provide a broadcast journalism program, so we’re the place students can come learn hard and soft skills not taught in a classroom. Not interested in broadcast journalism? We offer a diverse collection of volunteer positions, which will provide you with the opportunity to gain new skills.
What is the time commitment?
There is no standard time commitment, as they range per volunteer position. However, the general range is between 1-4hrs per week. That being said, you’re going to get out what you put into the experience and we encourage volunteers to develop their creative skillset while in their positions.
Are there meetings?
Each department within Radio Laurier operates differently, however, the expectation is that your team will be required to attend, at the very least, a few meetings throughout the year. Once in the position, you will have to ask your respective manager how they choose to organize their department and go from there. Each aspect of Radio Laurier operates differently.
If interested in hosting my own show, how do I choose what topic to develop my content around?
Our programmers (on-air hosts) are required to come up with content for the week prior to their show, so they are prepared for each broadcast ahead of time. All new shows are required to pitch their show to Radio Laurier’s Program Director. Your content can range from socio-political, social justice, history, feminism, politics, music, and so forth. We recommend your show be well researched and provide a unique perspective for our listeners.
Once your completed application is received, your show proposal is sent to our Program Director for review. If they think the proposal is on air ready, it will be approved for a live to air or pre-recorded show. If it isn’t deemed ready to air, that does not mean the show idea is done, our Program Director will compile comments and suggestions on how to make the proposal complimentary to our programming schedule. The applicant will then re-submit the outline and this process continues until the show is deemed ready to go ahead with. While this process can prove time-consuming, it is crucial in ensuring you’re thoroughly prepared for your first show. Throughout your application, you will be brought in for a meeting with our Program Director, Jack, who will orient you with Radio Laurier, the DJ position and the expectations for content and WLUSP policies. Once the outline is approved and the orientation session is completed, the applicant is hired and training begins for production, generation of content, and interview skills.
Are there opportunities for advancement?
Plenty! Every March we hire our new management team under the newly hired Station Manager, usually around 6-8 positions. These people will be in charge the year after and are the ones responsible for making sure each department within Radio Laurier operates smoothly and continues to improve.
Sound like something you’re interested in getting involved with? Fill out the form below, or e-mail for more information.