Morning folks, welcome to Super Bowl weekend 2017. For those that don’t know, the Super Bowl is a football game with four quarters that are 12 mins each and a halftime show, and the team that scores the most points wins. It’s also played on a Sunday. You might know the Super Bowl more, though, as an excuse to get drunk and eat greasy food, fair enough. Our show this week was completely dedicated to gearing up for the biggest Sunday of the calendar year, giving you guys advice as to what to make sure you have in order to make the most out of the day. Our Friday’s Top Five things to have this Sunday for watching the Super Bowl are:
5 ) Kleenex box just in case
4 ) A specific place to sit or stand for 4 hours
3 ) Food, Drinks of all shapes and sizes
2 ) Eye Sight
1 ) A Television
Obviously some of those are easier to obtain than others if you don’t already have them. We were also graced with the phone-call presence of Super Bowl quarterbacks Tom Brody and Mitt Ryan, both with lots of inspirational things to say about being superior athletes, like drinking beers at 10:30am every day to make sure you get a good sleep by 1:00pm. Genius. Thanks for tuning in again this week and enjoy yourselves on Super Bowl weekend, and remember, party without the smoke.
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Super Bowl Friday!! its a hellofa time
Posted by Willys World on Friday, February 3, 2017
Hello Friday – Flo Rida
Roller Coaster – Luke Bryan
Love Game – Lady Gaga
Cheers – Rihanna