Hope you all had a chance to tune in to today’s show but for those of you who missed it here’s a recap:
This morning we discussed some entertainment news including Aaron Carter’s undying love for Hilary Duff, Kris and Bruce Jenner’s divorce, and Keenan Thompson’s final season of SNL. We also discussed some KW/Laurier Happenings including the Career Centre’s annual Career Fair hapenning tomorrow from 10am to 3pm at RIM Park. The information for which can be found at this link: https://www.partners4employment.ca/home.htm.
Also, if you’ve ever thought about being a part of the wonderful organization that is student publications come check out our info sessions tonight and tomorrow night from 7pm – 9pm. Check out the Facebook event for more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1509235322653037/.
Finally we discussed this day in history and in honour of Jason Alexander’s birthday who portrayed George Constanza in Seinfeld. We present 27 signs that you are the George Constanza of your friend group. http://www.buzzfeed.com/jessicamisener/signs-youre-the-george-costanza-of-your-friend-group#4h933t9