We kicked February off with an hour-long recording of Laurier’s own Free Improv Renegade Ensemble (FIRE). The concert was held at the Button Factory in April of 2010, the final FIRE concert of that season. FIRE is still continuing today, with workshops every Monday night in the John Aird Building. For all those interested in checking it out, here’s a link to their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wlufire/
Student Composers Concert in the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall on Feb. 8 at 8PM
“Music at Noon with violinist Jerzy Kaplanek and pianist Leopoldo Erice” in the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall on Feb. 9 at 12PM
Laurier Choirs Concert at Waterloo First United Church on Feb. 11 at 7PM
The Sound is a show run by the CIA (Composers and Improvisors Association), a group of students on campus that represent student artists. The Sound features music, sound art, poetry, spoken word, short stories (anything really!) that is written by Laurier student, alumni, and faculty. We would love to have some of your works on the show, if you are an artist at Laurier and what to get your work on The Sound, please do so by sending your file(s) here: www.facebook.com/laurier.cia and send us a brief description of your piece.