Pearls of Wisdom Ep. 7 - Sociologist Hans Joas on Max Weber, Disenchantment, Secularization, and the Sacred
Jan 14, 2022 • 00:53:45
In this interview, the German sociologist Hans Joas (Humboldt University of Berlin and University of Chicago) and I discuss his recent book, “The Power of the Sacred: An Alternative to the Narrative of Disenchantment”. The book offers, amongst other things, a challenging and thought-provoking analysis and alternative to Weber’s disenchantment…
Pearls of Wisdom - Ep. 5
Dec 3, 2021 • 01:02:05
In this interview, historian Prof. Alec Ryrie of Durham University discusses his recent book Unbelievers: An Emotional History of Doubt (Harvard University Press). In this volume, Prof. Ryrie offers an account of the historical origins of modern unbelief with particular reference to the emotional and intuitive factors involved therein.
Pearls of Wisdom - Ep. 5
Apr 8, 2021 • 00:57:21
How might reason be used to advance and serve the cause of social justice? In this interview, my guest Dr. Jeffrey Nicholas (Providence College) and I discuss his book Reason, Tradition, and the Good: Alasdair Macintyre and Frankfurt School Critical Theory, which takes up this very question. As the title of the…
Pearls of Wisdom - Ep. 4
Feb 11, 2021 • 00:30:42
David Hume (1711-1776) and Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) were Enlightenment philosophers who sought to place constraints upon human cognition, and are thought by many to have discredited traditional argument for theism or natural theology. In this interview, Prof. Swinburne, a leading analytic philosopher of religion, a Fellow of the British Academy, and…
Pearls of Wisdom - Ep. 3
Jan 14, 2021 • 00:50:21
Dr. Michael Moriarty is the Drapers Professor of French at the University of Cambridge and a fellow of the British Academy. He joins me today to discuss his latest book Pascal: Reasoning and Belief which presents a critical, exegetical examination of Pascal’s Pensées. For more information on the book: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/pascal-reasoning-and-belief-9780198849117?cc=ca&lang=en&#…
Pearls of Wisdom - Ep. 2
Nov 13, 2020 • 01:15:02
Pragmatic arguments seek to justify a belief or course of action on prudential grounds. Pascal’s Wager is perhaps the most well-known example of such an argument. In this episode, I interview Dr. Jeff Jordan (University of Delaware) about pragmatic arguments, Pascal’s Wager, evidentialism, and the problem of evil. Link to Dr.…
Pearls of Wisdom Ep. 1: Akhenaten and Dr. James K. Hoffmeier
Oct 15, 2020 • 01:13:58
The Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten undoubtedly ranks among the most fascinating figures in the ancient civilization of Egypt. What prompted him to rid Egypt of all of its gods except Aten? Was he the first monotheist in recorded history? Join Dr. James K. Hoffmeier and me as we explore the life…
In this interview, the German sociologist Hans Joas (Humboldt University of Berlin and University of Chicago) and I discuss his recent book, “The Power of the Sacred: An Alternative to the Narrative of Disenchantment”. The book offers, amongst other things, a challenging and thought-provoking analysis and alternative to Weber’s disenchantment narrative in addition to insights into the question of whether the study of religious phenomena falls within the proper domain of social science. We also discuss the role religious convictions may legitimately play in modern academic discourse. As a renowned and noted sociologist of Roman Catholic faith, Prof. Joas has unique input to provide into these matters. I hope you will enjoy the interview.