Happy Thursday dearest listeners! I hope you’re all having a great day like Dran and I are. Today on our show we discussed many different stories in the latest arts and entertain world such as Justin Bieber’s house getting raided resulting in his friend Lil Za getting arrested for cocaine possession, Ke$ha’s mother joining her in rehab but for post-dramatic stress disorder and Kayne West punching an 18 year old for using the N-word (even though he used it 38 times in his latest album…). We also talked about how Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie are divorcing…
We also talked about the upcoming Coachella Line-up so if you haven’t seen that yet here it is (click to enlarge):
We also talked about a video that Jimmy Kimmel organized at last year’s Coachella that had a reporter asking “hipsters” about bands that don’t exist. Just watch, it’s hilarious!
Have a great week everyone! Tune in next thursday at 3pm! xoxo