We are back for the new semester here at Laurier! This week we were talking about plant based diets. Lots of medical research has shown that plant based diets are healthier than meats and animal products (as long as you are eating a balanced diet.) Also eating plant based foods is more sustainable for the environment. Livestock production constitutes 70% of all agricultural land use and with dairy production it occupies a third (30%) of all ice free land on the planet. Totally 14.5% of GHG emissions come from the livestock sector and this is more than the emissions produced from all cars, planes, trains and ships combined!
If you want to learn a bit more check out the documentary Forks Over Knives – its about the health benefits of plant based diets.
Also as we mentioned here is a link to an article about what foods you can buy that’s healthy even if you cant afford organic: foods. http://www.takepart.com/photos/cant-afford-organic-10-foods-you-can-eat-anyway
We will be back next week with more info on plant based diets and its environmental implications.