Yes, I laugh at my own jokes. Even if they’re terrible.
But it’s true, I did watch more movies over the break than I did readings. Which is probably bad for my marks, but good for my mental health. I actually made it to the theatre, and saw both Gone Girl and Fury. I reviewed Gone Girl on the show – an excellent movie, definitely go see it. David Fincher is probably my favourite director. Looking through his IMDB page, most of his films I like, with The Social Network being one of my favs of ALL TIME. And Gone Girl follows that style and awesomeness of all those films.
I also had an amazing interview with the director of the small indie flick Theories, which is still under production. Except a longer show in the future, with interviews and recordings from the set about that movie.
Anyway, in the wide movie internet, there have been a lot of things going on since the last show. For example, check out this amazing video from Tested about how they make movie quality monster masks:
This video put a huge smile on my face. There’s something about Lego that is just super cute and funny. This videos shows classic movie scenes made out of Lego, and apparently it’s a book, which I now want. A lot. My favourite scene is definitely the Shining. Where they got that Lego head for Jack Nicholson I don’t know, but I want it.
INTERSTELLAR HYPE IS REACHING MAXIMUM! Seriously, I cannot be more excited for this movie. I’m even thinking of making the trip to an Imax theatre to see it. Check out the new trailer, and get hyped with me.
Anyway, that’s it for this week. Don’t study, watch movies instead.