Hello GoldenHawks! Hope all is well on campus and in class. We here at the Morning Show took a little time out of our show to give you some online updates just in case you weren’t able to tune in. We had a very musically inclined show but still managed to talk about some coo0l things.
First off, we talked about this whole iPhone 6 thing. They released the prototype yesterday and boy does it ever look like the Galaxy phone. Back in the day all other phone companies tried to copy Apple but it looks now as if Apple is the one that’s jacking ideas. The new iPhone comes in the 6 or the 6+ which looks similar to a small tablet. I think I’m gunna stick with my 5C to be honest.
We also played some really cool music from British band ‘The 1975’. They are featured in FIFA14 and naturally they are all I listen to now (when its not rap). Check out a few tracks below and make sure to tune in tomorrow same time, same place.